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The SC Johnson Greenlist™ Program is a Peer Reviewed Program: An Excerpt from Our 2017 Sustainability Report

External experts validate the science and criteria inside the SC Johnson Greenlist™ program.
Peer review: "The SC Johnson Greenlist™ methodology is a robust, consistent, scientifically rigorous, flexible and innovative methodology." 
Prior to the release of this report we shared details of the SC Johnson Greenlist™ program with leading experts in human and environmental toxicology for their independent review. 

Their feedback validated the Greenlist™ program, the underlying criteria and data we use, and our science-based approach to selecting ingredients that takes into account both hazard and risk.
I found the process to be entirely scientifically well-founded and data-based. The process encompasses the foundations of human health and environmental safety assessment for potential raw materials and formulation components.
John P. Carbone, Ph.D.

Here are the members of the peer review group:

  • Paul Anastas, Ph.D., is Director of Yale University’s Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering. He formerly served as Assistant Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency Science Advisor.
  • John P. Carbone, Ph.D., is the principal at Ecotoxicology and Environmental Risk Assessment Consulting, LLC. Previously, he served as a Distinguished Scientist at the Rohm and Haas Company and Senior Environmental Consultant for the Dow Chemical Company. He has more than 30 years of experience and is a member of the Society of Environmental Toxicity and Chemistry (SETAC).
  • Alexandra Maertens, Ph.D., is a toxicologist for the Consortium of Environmental Risk Management (CERM) where she specializes in computational toxicology and hazard assessment. In addition, she is a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she oversees the Green Toxicology initiative. She is also an instructor at Brandeis University.
  • Julie M. Schoenung, Ph.D., is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of California, Irvine, Henry Samueli School of Engineering. An expert on materials selection based on environmental impact and toxicity, she serves on the California Department of Toxic Substance Control’s Green Ribbon Science Panel to support the state’s Safer Consumer Products Law and Green Chemistry Initiative.
  • Donald Versteeg, Ph.D., is principal at EcoStewardship, LLC. He spent 30 years as environmental risk assessor and sustainability expert with Procter & Gamble. While a member of SETAC, he served as an editor of aquatic toxicology for the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal, and was a member of the board of directors and Secretary Treasurer.
The SC Johnson Greenlist™ methodology is a robust, consistent, scientifically rigorous, flexible and innovative methodology to guide the company to continuously improve the safety profile of their formulations. The methodology involves a comprehensive analysis of data, a clear formula for evaluating the quality of the data and a careful weighing of hazard within the context of expected exposures and therefore risk.
Alexandra Maertens, Ph.D.
I was very impressed with the scientifically driven and rigorous implementation guidelines used by SC Johnson in the development and use of the Greenlist™ criteria. The balance of hazard and risk assessment approaches, based on strong scientific data and principles, is refreshing to see.
Julie M. Schoenung, Ph.D.
2017 Sustainability Report
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